New Dell docking stations

Old Dell docks will now be replaced with the new D6000 model shown below. These docks have 2 USB 3 ports, a USB-C and a headphone jack at the front and 2 USB 3 ports in the back of the dock.

Using the new docks

New docks will use the USB-C connection as shown below. This cable is located on the left side of the dock. This cable will charge the laptop as well as supply Ethernet connectivity and allow the laptop to work with any external monitors.

Once connected for the first time, the laptop will go through installing software automatically which allows it to work with the new docking station. This may take up to 10 minutes. During this time your external monitors and Ethernet connection may not work.

Using a new dock with an old style laptop

New docks will also come with a USB adapter lead that will allow them to work with the old style laptops that don’t have the smaller USB-C port. To use this adapter you will have to plug the USB-C connection into the adapter as shown below.

Software install

Once connected for the first time the laptop will then go through installing software automatically which allows it to work with the new docking station. This may take up to 10 minutes. During this time your external monitors and Ethernet connection may not work.


This USB connection will not charge your laptop. Instead, you will need to charge your laptop with the normal portable charger pack.