Teams - When your team expires

Team Expiration

Organizations with a large number of teams often have teams that are never actually used. This can happen because of several reasons including product experimentation, short-term team collaboration, or team owners leaving the organization.

Over time, such teams can accumulate and create a burden on tenant resources.

Technology Services place an expiry on a teams life to curb this burden, however group owners are able to renew the team prior to expiry.

The team owner will receive a notification for team renewal 30 days, 15 days and 1 day before the team's expiration date. When the team owner receives the notification, they can click Renew now in team settings to renew the team.

If the team owner doesn't renew the team, the team is put in a "soft-deleted" state, which means it can be restored within the next 30 days.

Archival process for Teams - documents

If you do not wish to renew your team or it has outlived its purpose, the owner should make efforts to download all important files and documents and copied into a relevant folder on the W drive for archival purposes.


Once a team has expired, you have 30 days for it to be restored.