Embedding learning activities into the curriculum

General guidance on embedding generic literacy and skill development in the curriculum can be found in there Embedding academic literacy support when designing curriculum. These recommendations can be applied to embedding any generic skills into the curriculum, including GenAI capabilities. 

The purpose of this knowledge base is to guide on ways to embed learning activities into the curriculum to support the ethical and effective use of GenAI within the scope of SCU policy and guidelines and consistent with TEQSA recommendations. 




Many of these topic areas are not discrete, for example, any topic will include concepts around prompt engineering and refinement and should include conversations or reflection on the response and ethical use. 

Here are a few key topic areas that you could cover by designing learning activities either in class or in self access content that incorporate GenAI . Of course this is not an extensive list. Possible support resources that you could use are provided. Links to examples of activity designs are included at the end of this knowledge base. 

Area for development around GenAIPossible resources to support learning activities  

Possible aims for learning activities
(Note, not all these suggestions will be appropriate to all units' LOs or ways you may allow GenAI to be used. Considerations of limits set for acceptable use of GenAI should be applied, but remember, one of our roles as teachers is to support students to learn about the risks and benefits of GenAI and build capacity for responsible and effective use with these tools 

Critical thinking
  • Comprehend and identify sources of bias and limitations in outputs generated by GenAI.
  • Appraise GenAI outputs and compare these with traditional sources of evidence. 
  • Identify and understand hallucinations, recognising their impact on information outputs. 
  • Identify the benefits and significance of human-AI collaboration and the added value of human contribution.

Academic Writing (e.g.)

  • Brainstorm initial ideas
  • Language enhancement - Grammar and Style (already use Grammarly, spellcheck etc)) Language enhancement
  • Topic Sentences
  • Paragraph structure 
  • Word Count
  • Cohesion
  • Essay/ Report Structure

  • Brainstorm ideas, explore different perspectives, and generate creative insights that can be evaluated/ critiqued and further developed with human expertise. 
  • Improve writing by using  GenAI for grammar, syntax and style suggestions. 
  • Utilise GenAI tools to support editing and proof-reading
  • Improve paragraph structure by following academic writing conventions for different types of paragraphs, eg, Introduction, Conclusions, Body paragraph.
  • Provide examples of how to incorporate evidence (sources) into a sentence using academic writing conventions 

Study assistance/ understanding 
  • Explore ways that GenAI tools can be used as a 'virtual tutor'
    • Explain concepts that are challenging
    • Provide context or examples that apply theory.
    • Create concept checking questions (with feedback). 
    • Build practice assessment questions (eg for oral exams, quizzes).
Reading and Summarising 
  • Use GenAI tools to summarise and explain complex readings
  • Use GenAI to extract and summarise the element/s of a reading  relevant to the concept that you are interested in 
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of a source 
Assessment Feedback 
  • Provide feedback on a draft assignment that considers the marking criteria for the task
  • Provide feedback on the structure of a paragraph checking for academic language conventions
Prompt engineering
(questions or requests) you enter make a big difference to outputs or responses. Prompt writing for GenAI is a skill that takes practice. This topic can be revisited in all topics you raise around GenAI. . 

  • Apply prompt design principles to generate GenAI outputs for specific tasks and contexts.  
  • Strategically modify prompts to improve GenAI  outputs 
Ethics and responsible use
  • Explain how GenAI outputs are created, and what happens to the inputted data.
  • Recognise risks to privacy and intellectual property and learn how to protect information rights (of self and others).
  • Apply an understanding of how to use tools within identified acceptable limits.
  • To establish a 'safe' environment where students can freely pose questions and learn, without the fear of being reprimanded for academic misconduct.
  • Create a safe learning space where questions can be freely asked without fear of academic misconduct consequences.
Referencing GenAI content and acknowledging GenAI use to help with study.
  • Apply the required referencing style guide to incorporate GenAI outputs into academic work.
  • Acknowledge GenAI use in accordance with academic integrity guidelines and university/course requirements, in circumstances where content is not being attributed.
Productivity in my discipline. How is it being used in my discipline? 
  • Conduct student-led inquiries to identify GenAI applications in relevant disciplines connected with their course.
  • Gain insights into real-world GenAI uses and their practical applications.
  • Make relevant connections between workplace based GenAI applications with academic studies, emphasising effective and responsible use.