How to submit to Turnitin

Turnitin FAQs

Q. What file types does Turnitin accept?

A. Turnitin will only accept certain files types and sizes.
Check the file requirements from this link Additionally, your Unit Assessor may have further restricted file types.

Q. How do I resubmit to Turnitin?

Q. How do I get my Digital Receipt?

Digital submission receipts are no longer automatically emailed, please see instructions on downloading yours below

Your Unit Assessor is responsible for Turnitin settings. If you have any issue related to late submission or resubmission, they should be the first point of contact.

How to upload an assignment to Turnitin

Not all Turnitin Assessments have the same settings, and will depend on how the Unit Assessor has set up the submission.

Step 1: Navigate to Assessment Tasks and Submissions, and find your Turnitin portal.

Launch Turnitin by clicking on the assessment name.

Step 2: To view the assessment details, click on the chevron icon.  This is also known as the Assignment Dashboard.

The Assignment Dashboard can include, the due date, Feedback Release date, points possible, rubric and any additional settings. For more information on understanding the Turnitin Assignment Dashboard, please visit this link.

Once you have reviewed the assessment details, select Upload Submission

Step 3: Choose your file, then select Upload and Review

View your submission.  Once you are ready, select Submit to Turnitin

Once completed, close the window

Step 4: Get your Digital Receipt (With the new Turnitin Integration, you are no longer emailed a Digital Receipt.)

To download your Digital Receipt, click the link in the green bar, or download from the right-hand side.

We recommend downloading a copy of your Digital Receipt.

How to resubmit your assignment?

If resubmissions have been allowed by your lecturer, select the Upload button from within the Assignment Dashboard

After three resubmissions, a new Similarity Report will take 24 hours to generate.

To have your attempt removed, please contact your Unit Assessor.  

Late submission and resubmission after Due Date

If late submissions have been permitted by the Unit Assessor, you will have only one attempt to submit after the due date if no previous attempt has been made.

If the student see this message "Cannot Upload Submission" means that the Due Data has passed and late submissions are not allowed.

Contact your Unit Assessor for late submission. 

If the student has submitted their assessment at least once, the student will see a block icon  Block Icon PNG Images, Vectors Free Download - Pngtree  on the resubmission link. It means, the Due Date has passed and late resubmissions are not allowed.