How to update group policies on SCU computers

The following are the steps required to ensure your SCU computer has the correct group policies that determine your access to services such as W drive.

You do need to be connected to the SCU network first, either via LAN network cable or VPN.

Step 1: Using the Windows key + R will open the Run command service.

Step 2: Type in gpupdate

Step 3: Click on the OK button.

Step 4: Wait a few moments (can be a couple of minutes), the black box will disappear automatically.

Step 5: There may be a small delay while the network drives mount.

From here, the policy update will install as the black command prompt screen closes. Give the laptop a little time to do this.

With the policy update successfully installed, just unplug the cable, restart the customers computer, and then inform the customer to log back in.

If you continue to have issues after this, please contact the Service Desk