What username do I use where?

Some systems require the use of a specifically formatted username even though they use the same password. This article outlines the most common ones.

Student Usernames

How do I find my SCU short username and SCU email address?


Username: Your eight digit student number e.g. 21561234

My Enrolment is your online student record. Here you can update your personal details, review applications, register for classes, complete online eForms and much more.

This guide will provide you with instructions to how to log into this portal.

MySCU (also known as Blackboard)


Username: <first initial of your first name>.<full surname>.<the 2-digit number at the end of your MySCU username>@student.scu.edu.au

This guide provides you with instructions on how to log into your SCU email


Use your short username. How do I find my SCU short username and SCU email address?

Connecting to Wireless


Use your short username. How do I find my SCU short username and SCU email address?

Library Databases

Use your short username. How do I login to Library databases?

Staff Usernames

When accessing SCU systems, staff will either use their email address or their short username;

Email Address Format: <full first name>.<full surname>@scu.edu.au. For example, if your name is Jane Smith, your email address would be jane.smith@scu.edu.au

To login to your SCU computer (PC or Laptop) plus see Which systems do I login using my email address? for more.

Short Username Format: Staff short name uses the following format with a total of 8 characters or less.

<first initial of your first name><first seven letters of your surname (may also include a number)> 

For example, if your name is Jane Smith, your short username would be jsmith. If it was Jane Smithington it would be jsmithin. If you share a name with another staff member, you may also have a number e.g. jsmith2